Friday, October 7, 2011

What Are the Disadvantages of a High Acid Level?

!9# What Are the Disadvantages of a High Acid Level?

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pH can be defined as a scale through which you can measures how alkaline or acidic a substance is. This scale has a range of one to fourteen with fourteen being very alkaline, seven being neutral and one being highly acid. The pH level of your blood can be extremely important.

The perfect pH level the human blood is around 7.35 and the human body can go to enormous ends to maintain the level. When the pH levels drops below the required level, it can cause undesirable effects. Red blood cells are the ones which transport oxygen to the cells of your body.

The red blood cells will be moving through the tiny capillaries which can be so small that only one red blood cell can pass through them at a time. They are equipped with a mechanism which keeps them separate from each other. The red blood cells will have a negative charge in them which will make them stay away from each other. By the acids can interfere with this significant mechanism as they are capable of striping the negative charge away from the red blood cells. As a result the red blood cells will clump together and will not flow easily. This can result in the reduction of the oxygen levels which will get into your cells.

Acid can also weaken the red blood cells and can cause their death.

A bad dietary habit of an individual can be the primary reason of an acidic condition of his body. It is pretty fortunate that the acidity in your body can be decreased quickly by adopting some changes. You can do this by just including a bit of alkaline foods in your diet and eliminating some of the acid foods from your diet.

You should get a correct picture of the pH level of your body which will enable you to decide whether you should remove more acid foods from your diet and increase the more alkaline ones. You must test either your saliva or your urine regularly to get the correct PH level situation of your body. You can actually control the acidity of your body by eliminating acid foods you eat and adding the quantity of alkaline foods in your diet.

In addition to this, you can immediately start changing the pH level by drinking the "supergreen drinks". There are many supplements available such as the Supergreens powder which has a powerful mixture of grasses which are organically-grown, green vegetables and leaves and sprouted grains which will provide the body with a large variety of easily absorbable amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Prime pH will act as an oxygen catalyst in bloodstream. The formulation of this drink will do the alkalizing, oxygenating, neutralizing and thus have a pH balancing effect in the body. It is prescribed to have four liters or one-gallon of water a day. In one liter of water, add one level teaspoon of the 'SuperGreens' powder and ten to fifteen drops of the LL Prime PH to get a nutrient-dense, energizing and alkalizing drink.

What Are the Disadvantages of a High Acid Level?

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